A Gentleman Caller

Male Escort Reveals His Most ‘Interesting’ Requests From Clients

“Once inside, I realised there was no wining or dining; a Hen’s Night was in full swing.”

James Booth • Published 

The life of a male escort is often over dramatised. And as American Gigolo and its Hollywood counterparts deal in stereotypes, many people envisage the world of male sex work to be either far more glamorous—or far more sterile and transactional—than it really is. The truth, as is often the case, lies somewhere in the middle.

While no article can articulate the subtleties of an entire profession, it can draw out some of its most interesting aspects, to provide a more nuanced perspective. Which is why we interviewed Lorenzo, a former active male escort and CEO of A Gentleman Caller.

Lorenzo has run the full gamut—from active escort to business owner. As such, he knows the industry inside out, explaining how, “Any escort will tell you the first few encounters are extremely nerve wrecking and quite daunting: this profession isn’t for everyone.”

Considering the ‘interesting’ requests Lorenzo told us he had received over his career, it’s not hard to see why. You see, being a male escort is not just about getting a woman’s “rocks off.”

According to Lorenzo, you must highly be skilled at, “Accomodating a woman’s needs both physically and mentally.” Which is why life experience plays a big part in the male escort industry.

“90% of the male escort industry is about companionship.”

We then asked him if he’d had any ‘interesting’ experiences escorting; the understatement of the interview.

“A lady had booked me for a Saturday evening consisting of a home cooked meal and a bottle of wine. When I arrived, I noted several vehicles surrounding the property, along with loud music coming from the residence. Once inside, I realised there was no wining or dining… But a Hen’s Night that was in full swing.”

“I won’t go into detail, but it was one of the biggest paying jobs I had ever completed. I don’t remember hitting the pillow once I returned home.”

He also recalled being a “plus one” at a wedding in a client’s attempt to make the groom jealous. Which was, “An interesting night to say the least.”

If this lifestyle piques your interest, Lorenzo warned that, if you harbour hopes of becoming a male escort, you won’t be an instant success overnight: “It takes time. Any seasoned male escort will tell you the most successful escorts are the most patient.”


“Personality is key. While your ‘equipment’ and prowess in the bedroom are obvious elements to a successful career, your attitude needs to be on point.”

There you have it, fellas. Food for thought.


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